Finally the new MG Narrative Gundam C-Pack Ver Ka, HGCE Gyan Storm (Agnes Giebenrath Custom) and SDW Heroes Tenkamusodaishogun arrived! As well as other Gunpla restocked. Check them out.
SDW Heroes Tenkamusodaishogun
SD Gundam EX-Standard RX-78-2 Gundam
SD Gundam EX-Standard Aile Strike Gundam
SD Gundam EX-Standard Sinanju
SD Gundam EX-Standard Wing Gundam Zero EW
SD Gundam EX-Standard Unicorn Gandam (Destroy Mode)
SD Gundam EX-Standard Strike Freedom Gundam
SD Gundam Ex Standard 015 Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee Norn (Destroy Mode)
HG Gundam Astray Red Frame
HG GN-001 Gundam Exia
HG SVMS-01 Union Flag Mass Production Type
HG GN-002 Gundam Dynames
HG GN-003 Gundam Kyrios
HG GN-004 Gundam Virtue
HG GNW-003 Gundam Throne Drei
HG GN-000 O Gundam (Type A.C.D.)
HG CB-0000G/C Reborns Gundam
HG Gundam Barbatos Lupus
HGUC Moon Gundam
HGAC Gundam Heavyarms
HGAC Gundam Deathscythe
HG Gyan Storm (Agnes Giebenrath Custom)
MG 1/100 Narrative Gundam C-Packs Ver. Ka
RG Crossbone Gundam X1